Weight Loss Wednesday: What to Eat to Lose, Gain, or Maintain

Whether you want to lose, gain, or maintain your weight, it’s a numbers game–calories in vs. calories out. Let’s review the true secret to understanding weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance once and for all–metabolic formula. It’s not about fads or temporary solutions. This is how to achieve permanent change. Stop buying into the […]

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Workout Wednesday: How to Know if Your Trainer is Competent

You just hired a personal trainer. How do you know if they have a clue what they’re doing? Unless you are very knowledgeable in a particular field, it’s hard to recognize the phonies from the real deal. If you answer YES to the questions in the checklist below it will give you an idea of how […]

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Motivational Monday: She Lost 50.25 Inches!!

We measure our clients monthly to track inches and pounds lost but sometimes life gets in the way… Mai-Britt Boggeri got measured on her first session with Double Eagle Fitness and then kept getting side-tracked and waylaid by her hectic life. We finally nailed her down for measurements last week and were open-mouthed shell-shocked to […]

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Fresh Friday: Take A Grocery Store Tour

Part Three of this week’s series dedicated to controlling your environment ends today with replenishment. Once you’ve taken all the Frank-N’Foods out of your kitchen, it’s time to replenish it with foods that will set you up for success. Think of your body as a luxury vehicle. Would you fill it with the cheapest fuel? […]

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Motivational Monday: January Means No More Excuses!

Happy New Year everyone and it’s time to get out of the sugar-induced holiday fog and get back to reality! This month, a few of our clients will guest blog. Today’s blogger is Robin Schaefer who lost 54 pounds since she started training with Double Eagle Fitness. For those of you who think you can’t […]

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Dec 07, 2011 2eagles 0 comments
Weight Loss Wednesday: The Devil is in The Details

Acknowledging the reality of the actual number of calories we take in every day is crucial for weight loss. Patterns such as under-eating, skipping meals, grazing throughout the day, and making chronic poor choices around certain people will sabotage your weight loss. The keys to accurate food logs are: Consistency: you must learn the habit […]

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Fresh Friday: Fast Fall Comfort Food

The leaves are changing, the air is chilly crisp, and I can’t get enough soup! I absolutely have to share my method for the most amazing, nutritious, filling, comforting, soup ever. It’s so easy to make: 15 minutes without broth. 75 minutes with homemade broth. Here’s how the magic happens: Step 1) Make your broth. […]

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Oct 31, 2011 2eagles 0 comments
Happy Halloween: Caesar & Cleopatra

We all know the story: the dashing Julius Caesar takes control of Alexandria to resolve a dispute between Cleopatra and her brother, Ptolemy. While in Alexandria, Caesar develops an intense relationship with Cleopatra as he instructs her how to wield her power-motivation. In honor of Beqir’s first American Halloween, we dressed up as Caesar and […]

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Fresh Friday: Nibbling on The Numbers

Day after day, I receive elated texts from clients when they lose pounds and only silence when normal weight fluctuation occurs.  Daily weighing, according to a study by The Miriam Hospital and Brown Medical School, is crucial in regulating weight. Take the ego and the emotion away from the scale. It’s just a number. The […]

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