Weight Loss Wednesday: Obesity–Not Just Another Seven-Letter Word

 Ready to be shocked? According to the CIA World Factbook, America is the sixth fattest country in the world. Right in between Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates. One in three American adults is affected by obesity. Childhood obesity has tripled over the past 30 years. Every two minutes someone dies of weight-related causes. […]

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Motivational Monday: She Lost 50.25 Inches!!

We measure our clients monthly to track inches and pounds lost but sometimes life gets in the way… Mai-Britt Boggeri got measured on her first session with Double Eagle Fitness and then kept getting side-tracked and waylaid by her hectic life. We finally nailed her down for measurements last week and were open-mouthed shell-shocked to […]

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Fresh Friday: Take A Grocery Store Tour

Part Three of this week’s series dedicated to controlling your environment ends today with replenishment. Once you’ve taken all the Frank-N’Foods out of your kitchen, it’s time to replenish it with foods that will set you up for success. Think of your body as a luxury vehicle. Would you fill it with the cheapest fuel? […]

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Fresh Friday: Easy Kitchen Compost

Recently I watched a documentary called Dive inspired by a curiosity about our country’s careless habit of sending millions of pounds of food into landfills. In the film, the director and his friends dumpster dive salvaging thousands of dollars of good, edible, fresh food from grocery stores like Trader Joes. Right after seeing the film, we had […]

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Motivational Monday: Change

“People who want a cure, provided they can have it without pain, are like those who favour progress, provided they can have it without change.” Anthony de Mello

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Motivational Monday: Relay For Life

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives everyone in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. At Relay, teams of people camp out at a local high school, park, or […]

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Novato's Double Eagle Fitness: A Match Made in Mosul


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Motivational Monday: Positive Self-Talk

“Drop and give me twenty,” I say blowing my trainer’s whistle, knowing my client’s inevitable reply will be, “I can’t,” before they even try. It doesn’t matter that anyone can do push ups–whether they are strict chest-to-the-floor military push ups or standing-a -foot-from-the-wall push ups. What matters is our nasty human habit of subconscious self-sabotage. Why set yourself […]

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Workout Wednesday: Hiking A Major Calorie Burner

This week-end, a friendly neighbor invited us on a hike in Ignacio Valley. Always up for something new, we packed water bottles and set off into the Indian Valley Open Space Preserve. Five minutes into the hike, sweat is oozing from my brow thanks to extremely steep sections of a slippery fire road. My heart […]

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