Weight Loss Wednesday: Indian Summer Slaw

For months, I have been searching for the perfect cole slaw recipe. One without mayonnaise and sugar. I found one, tested it, and tweaked it to my liking and hopefully yours too. This week we made two batches–one with red cabbage and another with green cabbage. They are both incredibly delicious, healthy–75 calories per cup–and chock full of fiber, […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Obesity–Not Just Another Seven-Letter Word

 Ready to be shocked? According to the CIA World Factbook, America is the sixth fattest country in the world. Right in between Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates. One in three American adults is affected by obesity. Childhood obesity has tripled over the past 30 years. Every two minutes someone dies of weight-related causes. […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Quitters Never Win, Winners Never Quit

I began wearing the Body Media Core Arm band on July 5 (see https://doubleeaglefitness.com/index.php/weight-loss-wednesday-high-tech-weight-loss/) I wanted to prove to all of our weight loss clients that the science and the process work! I wanted to show them that results are inevitable with knowledge, dedication and effort. I wanted to prove to myself that I could […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: High Tech Weight Loss

I was overweight my whole life. When I became a trainer I resolved to lose weight because if I couldn’t do it, then I’d never be able to get my clients to do it. With the right scientific metabolic information I did lose weight but I didn’t go all the way to my goal. Like […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Weight Loss Check List

Our clients are constantly frustrated with the speed of their weight loss. This week I urge all of you to make a weight loss check list and tape it to your fridge, your bathroom mirror, and on a bulletin board near your desk. This list will help keep your eyes on the prize, keep you […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Drink Water to Lose Weight

When Mary Lou started training with us last July, she lost weight really fast. In addition to eating within the confines of her prescribed metabolic formula she had an ace in the hole–water. Mary Lou drank water all day long. We never saw her without her pink sixty ounce bottle! Whether you want to lose weight […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Healthy On-The-Go

This week our clients are asking: What strategies do I employ when on the road and on the go? How do I stay on track this month staying with family over the holidays? What about when traveling for work and stuck in hotels with only room service and fast food restaurants. What about on vacation? You […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Robin in Onederland!!

On June 24, 2011, 55 years-young, 238 pound Robin Schaefer was vacationing in Hawaii reading this Patch.com article about Double Eagle Fitness: http://novato.patch.com/articles/novatos-double-eagle-fitness-a-match-made-in-mosul Five days later she was back in Novato sitting in our Hamilton office letting Beqir pinch her with red skin-fold calipers. She let us measure her. She let us conduct the standard […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Metabolic Formula

This April I meandered into Lululemon Bethesda to buy a new pair of pants. After losing thirty pounds all of my old Lulu pants were sliding all over the place when I was on the treadmill or suffering through box jump burpees. So I’m chatting with a sales girl, telling her how I need new […]

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