Weight Loss Wednesday: Obesity–Not Just Another Seven-Letter Word

 Ready to be shocked? According to the CIA World Factbook, America is the sixth fattest country in the world. Right in between Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates. One in three American adults is affected by obesity. Childhood obesity has tripled over the past 30 years. Every two minutes someone dies of weight-related causes. […]

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Motivational Monday: Everyday is a New Day to Start Over

No matter what you did, or didn’t do yesterday, today is a brand new day to start all over and get it right. Focus on your successes rather than your failures. Zoom in on how far you have come over how much farther you must go.  I overate: You had ice-cream cake this week. You went to Vegas and sinned in Sin […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: What to Eat to Lose, Gain, or Maintain

Whether you want to lose, gain, or maintain your weight, it’s a numbers game–calories in vs. calories out. Let’s review the true secret to understanding weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance once and for all–metabolic formula. It’s not about fads or temporary solutions. This is how to achieve permanent change. Stop buying into the […]

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Fresh Friday: You Must EAT to Lose Weight

People think that to lose weight they should eat less. Wrong! Every week, I log in to mynetdiary.com and police my clients’ food logs. Since you must count calories to lose weight, I analyze them to make sure they are on track. By on track I mean that they are all eating their prescribed daily […]

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