Weight Loss Wednesday: Obesity–Not Just Another Seven-Letter Word

 Ready to be shocked? According to the CIA World Factbook, America is the sixth fattest country in the world. Right in between Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates. One in three American adults is affected by obesity. Childhood obesity has tripled over the past 30 years. Every two minutes someone dies of weight-related causes. […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: What? My iPad is Making me Fat?

  This week HBO is airing a four part wake-up call to the nation about the crippling costs of overweight and obesity in America. In 2012, 69% of American adults are overweight or obese (do YOU know the difference) and 1 in 3 American children are overweight. In addition to the obvious causes–not exercising enough, […]

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Motivational Monday: January Means No More Excuses!

Happy New Year everyone and it’s time to get out of the sugar-induced holiday fog and get back to reality! This month, a few of our clients will guest blog. Today’s blogger is Robin Schaefer who lost 54 pounds since she started training with Double Eagle Fitness. For those of you who think you can’t […]

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