Weight Loss Wednesday: Weight Loss Check List

Our clients are constantly frustrated with the speed of their weight loss. This week I urge all of you to make a weight loss check list and tape it to your fridge, your bathroom mirror, and on a bulletin board near your desk. This list will help keep your eyes on the prize, keep you […]

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Motivational Monday: If a Septuagenarian Can Lose 23 Pounds in 4 Months What Can YOU Lose?

Connie Hooper is 72 years old and after training with Double Eagle Fitness for four months, she lost 23 pounds and 22.25 inches. We asked her to pen a guest blog sharing her experience so far… I’ve been asked to share my thoughts about this personal training experience and its mental and physical effects on […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: POOP! There it is!

Let’s face it: poop is gross. But regular healthy poop is a critical indication of your health. Before you run away screaming chew on this: A 125 pound female who doesn’t poop regularly can store up to 10 pounds of clogged fecal matter in her system. An obese person can store as much as 30 pounds of […]

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Motivational Monday: Revenge of The Trainees

While the profits of having a personal trainer far outweigh the losses, clients sometimes dream of the day they might get to scream back at us, “One more! You can do it! C’mon one more!” We know they concoct fantasies of seeing us–their trainers– panting, sweat dripping down our faces as they time our sprints […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Forever Fitness

For those of you frustrated because the weight isn’t coming off fast enough for you, let me remind you why we work out. Yes, dozens of people begin exercise regimens with a goal of knockin’ em dead at their high school reunion, their wedding, or the  Black and White Ball. Yes, others dedicate themselves to […]

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Motivational Monday: Everyday is a New Day to Start Over

No matter what you did, or didn’t do yesterday, today is a brand new day to start all over and get it right. Focus on your successes rather than your failures. Zoom in on how far you have come over how much farther you must go.  I overate: You had ice-cream cake this week. You went to Vegas and sinned in Sin […]

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Workout Wednesday: 10 Reasons to Lift Weights For Life–Especially Women

But I’m afraid of getting big manly muscles… We hear this fear all of the time so I will quickly assure you–especially you women–that you must adhere to a very particular repetition and load scheme to achieve hypertrophy (big manly muscles). See photo below left.   Reasons to Lift Weights for Life 1. More muscle means […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: What to Eat to Lose, Gain, or Maintain

Whether you want to lose, gain, or maintain your weight, it’s a numbers game–calories in vs. calories out. Let’s review the true secret to understanding weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance once and for all–metabolic formula. It’s not about fads or temporary solutions. This is how to achieve permanent change. Stop buying into the […]

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Motivational Monday: She Lost 50.25 Inches!!

We measure our clients monthly to track inches and pounds lost but sometimes life gets in the way… Mai-Britt Boggeri got measured on her first session with Double Eagle Fitness and then kept getting side-tracked and waylaid by her hectic life. We finally nailed her down for measurements last week and were open-mouthed shell-shocked to […]

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