Motivational Monday: Revenge of The Trainees

While the profits of having a personal trainer far outweigh the losses, clients sometimes dream of the day they might get to scream back at us, “One more! You can do it! C’mon one more!” We know they concoct fantasies of seeing us–their trainers– panting, sweat dripping down our faces as they time our sprints […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Forever Fitness

For those of you frustrated because the weight isn’t coming off fast enough for you, let me remind you why we work out. Yes, dozens of people begin exercise regimens with a goal of knockin’ em dead at their high school reunion, their wedding, or the  Black and White Ball. Yes, others dedicate themselves to […]

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Workout Wednesday: How to Know if Your Trainer is Competent

You just hired a personal trainer. How do you know if they have a clue what they’re doing? Unless you are very knowledgeable in a particular field, it’s hard to recognize the phonies from the real deal. If you answer YES to the questions in the checklist below it will give you an idea of how […]

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Workout Wednesday: Achieve Failure

Growing up, we all learn to understand failure as an intrinsically negative concept–an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful–lack of success. In fitness, failure is something we strive for. In fitness, failing means exiting the comfort zone, taking a risk, letting experience teach you a little more every time you perform the movement you keep failing at. Learn to challenge […]

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Workout Wednesday: 5 Ways to Reduce Post-Workout Soreness

Nobody likes to be sore after a workout. Although soreness cannot be completely eliminated, it can be controlled. Proper post-workout recovery protocols will also allow your body to recover more quickly and respond better to your workouts. Muscles grow and become stronger when they are subjected to forces that cause tiny tears in the muscle fibers. […]

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Motivational Monday: Vision & Choice

Monday is upon us again. Everyone needs a little boost for the week ahead.  So let’s start with the big picture: YOU. There are only two things standing between the old you and the new you: vision and choice. Imagine how your life will change once you reach your health and fitness goals. How do […]

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Motivational Monday: Positive Self-Talk

“Drop and give me twenty,” I say blowing my trainer’s whistle, knowing my client’s inevitable reply will be, “I can’t,” before they even try. It doesn’t matter that anyone can do push ups–whether they are strict chest-to-the-floor military push ups or standing-a -foot-from-the-wall push ups. What matters is our nasty human habit of subconscious self-sabotage. Why set yourself […]

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