Workout Wednesday: How to Know if Your Trainer is Competent

You just hired a personal trainer. How do you know if they have a clue what they’re doing? Unless you are very knowledgeable in a particular field, it’s hard to recognize the phonies from the real deal. If you answer YES to the questions in the checklist below it will give you an idea of how […]

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Motivational Monday: Ten Tips to Make New Habits Stick

The best way to get healthy and fit is by introducing good habits–one at a time. Many people fail because they take on too much too soon. Take one habit at a time and devote twenty-one days to making it stick. Then introduce another one. After a few months you will be working out four-six days […]

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Workout Wednesday: Sabrina’s Tips For Working Out in Cold Weather

Sabrina Roblin has been training with Double Eagle Fitness for four months and today she shares her insight on how to dress for cold weather workouts. Working out during the winter in the outdoors is invigorating and wearing the right clothes is important both for health, warmth, and comfort.  Manmade fabrics such as polyester, lycra […]

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