Motivational Monday: What if

“Take care of your body.  It’s the only place you have to live.”  ~Jim Rohn “To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”.  ~Buddha “Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.”  ~William Shakespeare In our kids […]

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Motivational Monday: Music And Exercise

During one-on-one sessions with personal trainers, music is absent. As both trainer and client, I don’t miss music at all. Why? The trainer is pushing me, counting for me, and motivating me with powerful words, that all I can think is: “When will this torture end?” Or, “This is incredibly difficult but I am doing it although I […]

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Motivational Monday: March Measurement Madness

We love the beginning of the month because that’s when we measure our clients. What better way to renew motivation for the month than to learn that you lost two inches from your shoulders, chest, hips, and thighs? While we only measured a handful of clients so far, here’s the breakdown of inches lost from a […]

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Motivational Monday: Five Ways Exercise Relieves Stress

Feeling stressed? Overworked? Can’t stop shoveling M&M’s into your mouth? Get up. Get dressed. Get out the door! Endorphins-  Ever heard of the runner’s high? Exercise–from weight lifting to spinning–triggers the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Mood Makeover: Did you know that regular exercise boosts self-confidence? Did you know that regular exercise lowers symptoms […]

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Motivational Monday: Want to Transform Your body? Watch This!

[youtube] This is New York trainer, Lacey Stone, venting about the traditional attitude of women and the ridiculous fear of lifting heavy stuff and “getting big.” Double Eagle Fitness agrees 100%! This is kinda long but it’s so true! Change your attitude about lifting and watch your body transform!

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Motivational Monday: She Lost 50.25 Inches!!

We measure our clients monthly to track inches and pounds lost but sometimes life gets in the way… Mai-Britt Boggeri got measured on her first session with Double Eagle Fitness and then kept getting side-tracked and waylaid by her hectic life. We finally nailed her down for measurements last week and were open-mouthed shell-shocked to […]

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Motivational Monday: Ten Tips to Make New Habits Stick

The best way to get healthy and fit is by introducing good habits–one at a time. Many people fail because they take on too much too soon. Take one habit at a time and devote twenty-one days to making it stick. Then introduce another one. After a few months you will be working out four-six days […]

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Motivational Monday: How’s That New Year’s Resolution Going?

It’s January 16, 2012. Two weeks into the new year. Two weeks into the new you. What was your 2012 New Year’s resolution? How’s your progress over the past two weeks? Are you feeling great? Are you feeling strong? Confident? Did you slip right back into the proverbial comfort zone? Double Eagle Fitness is here […]

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Motivational Monday: Trainer Confession

My name is Samantha and I have a confession to make. I’m a personal trainer and I struggle with weight loss, exercise, nutrition, and motivation just like you. Trainers are human beings who face the same obstacles with health issues. Weight Loss: I lost thirty pounds while getting certified. If I could do it, then […]

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