Photos by Female Gym Motivation

It’s January 16, 2012. Two weeks into the new year. Two weeks into the new you. What was your 2012 New Year’s resolution? How’s your progress over the past two weeks? Are you feeling great? Are you feeling strong? Confident? Did you slip right back into the proverbial comfort zone?

Double Eagle Fitness is here to support you whether your goal is weight loss, endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular, and strength.

Photos by Female Gym Motivation

We will educate you, motivate you, and hug you as you accomplish your health and fitness goals. We will never placate you with platitudes. We  will push you because we know no one succeeds alone. We are in this together–through every drop of sweat, through every grunt and groan, and every triumph.

Today is Martin Luther King Day. He reminds us that, “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.” And that, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Do you have faith? Do you visualize yourself reaching your goal every day? Do you gaze at your vision board every day vowing to do everything in your power to transform those dreams into reality? Do you practice self-analysis? Are you still struggling with the same obstacles from 2011?

What are you waiting for? Fear of success? Move forward. Are you honest with yourself? Can you push a little harder? Will you go above and beyond your abilities to surprise yourself and soar? Post to the comments what you will do this week to blossom in your goals.

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