Workout Wednesday: E is For Effort

“I tell patients that designing your own exercise program is like deciding to represent yourself in court. Being an attorney requires specialized knowledge that is acquired over many years of intensive study and practice. Designing your optimum exercise program also requires extensive training in a variety of areas, and includes an assessment to create an […]

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Motivational Monday: New Website!

What motivates more than a brand new website? Haven’t seen it yet? What are you waiting for? Now that you’re here, stay awhile and check out our photo gallery, client testimonials, personal training and nutrition services, and upcoming self-defense class dates. What do you think?

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Motivational Monday: Revenge of The Trainees

While the profits of having a personal trainer far outweigh the losses, clients sometimes dream of the day they might get to scream back at us, “One more! You can do it! C’mon one more!” We know they concoct fantasies of seeing us–their trainers– panting, sweat dripping down our faces as they time our sprints […]

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Motivational Monday: Everyday is a New Day to Start Over

No matter what you did, or didn’t do yesterday, today is a brand new day to start all over and get it right. Focus on your successes rather than your failures. Zoom in on how far you have come over how much farther you must go.  I overate: You had ice-cream cake this week. You went to Vegas and sinned in Sin […]

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Motivational Monday: Trainer Confession

My name is Samantha and I have a confession to make. I’m a personal trainer and I struggle with weight loss, exercise, nutrition, and motivation just like you. Trainers are human beings who face the same obstacles with health issues. Weight Loss: I lost thirty pounds while getting certified. If I could do it, then […]

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Motivational Monday: January Means No More Excuses!

Happy New Year everyone and it’s time to get out of the sugar-induced holiday fog and get back to reality! This month, a few of our clients will guest blog. Today’s blogger is Robin Schaefer who lost 54 pounds since she started training with Double Eagle Fitness. For those of you who think you can’t […]

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Workout Wednesday: Help! I’m injured And I Can’t Workout!

How many times do we hear this? “Help! I’m injured so I can’t workout.” Despite the injury, we can usually figure out ways to train around the injury. First things first: A doctor must diagnose and cure the injury–not the personal trainer. Along with doctors, chiropractor are often part of a health professional team for […]

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Motivational Monday: Positive Self-Talk

“Drop and give me twenty,” I say blowing my trainer’s whistle, knowing my client’s inevitable reply will be, “I can’t,” before they even try. It doesn’t matter that anyone can do push ups–whether they are strict chest-to-the-floor military push ups or standing-a -foot-from-the-wall push ups. What matters is our nasty human habit of subconscious self-sabotage. Why set yourself […]

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