Motivational Monday: Practice Makes Perfect

We all loathe what we aren’t good at. The only way to get better at what you aren’t naturally good at–pull ups, push ups, planks, burpees, etc., is to practice. Keep plugging away like a terrier until you get better and better and better. I worked hard for eight months to get a single strict […]

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Motivational Monday: Positive Self-Talk

“Drop and give me twenty,” I say blowing my trainer’s whistle, knowing my client’s inevitable reply will be, “I can’t,” before they even try. It doesn’t matter that anyone can do push ups–whether they are strict chest-to-the-floor military push ups or standing-a -foot-from-the-wall push ups. What matters is our nasty human habit of subconscious self-sabotage. Why set yourself […]

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