Motivational Monday: Ten Ways to Start The Week Right

You only logged three out of seven days of your food log. You felt heavy and sluggish during your workouts. You only eat one or two servings of vegetables a day. Your stress is through the roof. You can’t sleep. You hate the rain. You feel stuck in a rut. You are ready to throw […]

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Fresh Friday: Take A Grocery Store Tour

Part Three of this week’s series dedicated to controlling your environment ends today with replenishment. Once you’ve taken all the Frank-N’Foods out of your kitchen, it’s time to replenish it with foods that will set you up for success. Think of your body as a luxury vehicle. Would you fill it with the cheapest fuel? […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Has Your Kitchen Been Raided?

    Your kitchen can make or break your weight loss results. A kitchen stocked with the makings for healthy meals and snacks will keep you on track, even when late-night cravings strike. On the flip side, a kitchen filled with unhealthy munchies will derail your weight loss efforts every single time. When Double Eagle Fitness […]

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Motivational Monday: 7 Ways to Control Your Environment For Success

This week’s posts all share the same theme: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Today we draw upon concepts taught in our Weight Loss Jump-Start lecture to help you transform your metabolism into a fat-burning, muscle-building machine. Enablers: Who are the Enablers in your life? The guy who brings a dozen donuts […]

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Fresh Friday: Be A Locovore

How can eating locally grown produce and happy organic animals save your life? Our food is fuel to keep our metabolic engine functioning as muscle-building, fat-burning machines. Our plant food is only as nutritious as the soil in which its grown. Our animal sustenance is only as nutritious as the food the animal eats before slaughter. Would […]

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Fear of Success: Don’t Drive With Your Foot on The Brake

Did you know that unconscious fear of success is usually more paralyzing than the conscious fear of failure? When it comes to fitness, especially weight loss, fear of success is hard to banish. When I ask my clients, “How do you imagine your life will change once you have lost the weight?” The answer is […]

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