Fresh Friday: Take A Grocery Store Tour

Part Three of this week’s series dedicated to controlling your environment ends today with replenishment. Once you’ve taken all the Frank-N’Foods out of your kitchen, it’s time to replenish it with foods that will set you up for success. Think of your body as a luxury vehicle. Would you fill it with the cheapest fuel? […]

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Fresh Friday: Ode to Fat

Many people think that fat makes you fat. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Fat is an essential macronutrient, most importantly acting as a backup storage fuel–second to carbohydrates–for energy.  Fat comes in two main forms: Saturated & Monounsaturated. Saturated comes from animal sources and is solid at room temperatures (think butter, cream, salad […]

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Fresh Friday: Be A Locovore

How can eating locally grown produce and happy organic animals save your life? Our food is fuel to keep our metabolic engine functioning as muscle-building, fat-burning machines. Our plant food is only as nutritious as the soil in which its grown. Our animal sustenance is only as nutritious as the food the animal eats before slaughter. Would […]

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Fresh Friday: 40 30 30

If you have experienced the Double Eagle Fitness Weight Loss Jump Start experience or the Kitchen Raid experience, then you are already familiar with the rule of 40, 30, 30. 40% of your meal or snack is high quality, organic, low glycemic carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, fruit, beans, seeds, nuts and whole grains. […]

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