Motivational Monday: Want to Transform Your body? Watch This!

[youtube] This is New York trainer, Lacey Stone, venting about the traditional attitude of women and the ridiculous fear of lifting heavy stuff and “getting big.” Double Eagle Fitness agrees 100%! This is kinda long but it’s so true! Change your attitude about lifting and watch your body transform!

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Workout Wednesday: Achieve Failure

Growing up, we all learn to understand failure as an intrinsically negative concept–an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful–lack of success. In fitness, failure is something we strive for. In fitness, failing means exiting the comfort zone, taking a risk, letting experience teach you a little more every time you perform the movement you keep failing at. Learn to challenge […]

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Motivational Monday: Trainer Confession

My name is Samantha and I have a confession to make. I’m a personal trainer and I struggle with weight loss, exercise, nutrition, and motivation just like you. Trainers are human beings who face the same obstacles with health issues. Weight Loss: I lost thirty pounds while getting certified. If I could do it, then […]

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Motivational Monday: January Means No More Excuses!

Happy New Year everyone and it’s time to get out of the sugar-induced holiday fog and get back to reality! This month, a few of our clients will guest blog. Today’s blogger is Robin Schaefer who lost 54 pounds since she started training with Double Eagle Fitness. For those of you who think you can’t […]

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Workout Wednesday: The Power of Breath

[youtube] Did you know that at rest, we only use 10-15% of our lung capacity? Muscles at work demand more oxygen than muscles at rest. Breathing properly during exercise improves strength, prevents dizziness, and can burn more calories. Watch Coach Beqir’s demonstration video below. Oxygen plus water equals weight loss. For a detailed explanation […]

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Workout Wednesday: Why Compete?

[youtube=]   When it was time to sign up to compete at the TJ’s 2011 CrossFit Games, I hesitated and swam in a sea of self-doubt and fear for days. While Beqir actually had a chance to actually win, place, or show in the games, I knew I didn’t have a chance in hell for […]

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Workout Wednesday: Help! I’m injured And I Can’t Workout!

How many times do we hear this? “Help! I’m injured so I can’t workout.” Despite the injury, we can usually figure out ways to train around the injury. First things first: A doctor must diagnose and cure the injury–not the personal trainer. Along with doctors, chiropractor are often part of a health professional team for […]

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Motivational Monday: Practice Makes Perfect

We all loathe what we aren’t good at. The only way to get better at what you aren’t naturally good at–pull ups, push ups, planks, burpees, etc., is to practice. Keep plugging away like a terrier until you get better and better and better. I worked hard for eight months to get a single strict […]

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Workout Wednesday: Soreness Equals Strength

No one likes post-workout sore muscles. When you exercise, microscopic tears occur in the muscle. As the muscle begins to rebuild itself (getting tighter, bigger, leaner, and longer) you may feel soreness for anywhere from 24-48 hours after the activity. Muscles need time and proper nutrients to rebuild and recover. Muscles grow at rest. Knowing […]

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