

When it was time to sign up to compete at the TJ’s 2011 CrossFit Games, I hesitated and swam in a sea of self-doubt and fear for days. While Beqir actually had a chance to actually win, place, or show in the games, I knew I didn’t have a chance in hell for so many reasons. So why would I dare sign up?


Because I know how difficult it is for me to go 100% during workouts. I thought that maybe with a crowd of cheering spectators, my own personal judge validating every rep, that just maybe I would red-line and go all out balls-to-the-wall 100% effort. The competition not with the other 94 people competing but with my ego, my drive, and my self-esteem. At the end of the day it’s about having fun, self-challenge, facing fear, and not caring that I finished thirty-something while Beqir finished in eighth place.

And the best part of all was the six Double Eagle Fitness clients who showed up to cheer us on. Nothing was more gratifying then hearing them yell at me, “You got this, Samantha! It’s all mental. Push. One more!” I’ve taught them well.


What’s the lesson? Never fear competition. You may not come in first place. You probably won’t come in last. Self-competition is the key. Push a little harder next time. Post in the comments your self-challenge plan. I know two of you are already signed up for the Turkey Trot 5 & 10 K–first running events!

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