Sep 19, 2011 2eagles 0 comments
Motivational Monday: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Beqir and I hear, “I can’t” a lot. When people say they can’t, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When they say, I can, that also becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Believe you can. Tell yourself you can. You can! If you’re doubled over gasping for breath, you just need an oxygen break!

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Fresh Friday: Be A Locovore

How can eating locally grown produce and happy organic animals save your life? Our food is fuel to keep our metabolic engine functioning as muscle-building, fat-burning machines. Our plant food is only as nutritious as the soil in which its grown. Our animal sustenance is only as nutritious as the food the animal eats before slaughter. Would […]

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Workout Wednesday: Energy Systems

[wpvideo UjIuXY0s]Did you know you can exercise in four different energy systems? The best trainers emphasize each of the four energy systems–even though all four work together–to increase power, endurance, and rate of recovery. The quicker you recover, the more fit you are. What are they called? PHOSPHAGEN:  The most powerful energy system characterized by […]

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Motivational Monday: Attention Seniors! No Biologic Reason to Get Fatter as You Age!

“That’s just what happens as you age,” says my mom referring to various aches, pains, and lack of energy. Well, only if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. For this Monday’s motivational snippet, I’ll summarize a great article by Clarence Bass (see link for full version: Here’s the jist: Inactivity results in loss of muscle. […]

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Workout Wednesday: Endorphins

If it’s not enough that regular exercise reduces: All types of cancers Cholesterol Diabetes High blood pressure Stress & fatigue & anger & vigor Obesity Exercise  also makes you happy. Not just gleeful happy, but on cloud nine-tickled pink-giddy-silly happy! How?  When we exercise, the body releases chemicals called endorphins. They interact with receptors in the […]

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Fresh Friday: 40 30 30

If you have experienced the Double Eagle Fitness Weight Loss Jump Start experience or the Kitchen Raid experience, then you are already familiar with the rule of 40, 30, 30. 40% of your meal or snack is high quality, organic, low glycemic carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, fruit, beans, seeds, nuts and whole grains. […]

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Workout Wednesday: Why is Core Strength Crucial?

Why is the core so crucial? Improves posture & balance; Helps eliminate lower back pain;  Helps avoid a host of common injuries–especially back injuries and general aches usually associated with age; Improves physical performance (power & stabilization); SURPRISE! Prevents muscle soreness and stiffness; With consistent core work, the rest of our bodies can function more efficiently. […]

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Motivational Monday: Vision & Choice

Monday is upon us again. Everyone needs a little boost for the week ahead.  So let’s start with the big picture: YOU. There are only two things standing between the old you and the new you: vision and choice. Imagine how your life will change once you reach your health and fitness goals. How do […]

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Workout Wednesday: EPOC is The Secret to Exercising For Fat Loss

Your trainer just had you perform 15 push-ups, 15 air squats and now she tells you to do thirty seconds of mountain climbers, burpees, or jumping pull-ups. The method behind her madness is simple: when you exercise your heart rate is elevated. When you exercise at high intensity or extended periods your heart rate remains elevated as […]

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