[wpvideo UjIuXY0s]Did you know you can exercise in four different energy systems?

The best trainers emphasize each of the four energy systems–even though all four work together–to increase power, endurance, and rate of recovery. The quicker you recover, the more fit you are.

What are they called?

  • The most powerful energy system characterized by things like sprinting, resistance band running, long jump, shot put, golf wind, or javelin throw. 0-6 seconds of pure teeth clenching power fueled by creatine phosphate and adenosine triphosphate.

  1. FAST GLYCOLOSIS30-90 seconds of unbroken work such as sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups, and a 500 meter row encompass this energy system fueled by blood glucose. Fast glycolosis is crucial to train because it’s anaerobic and produces a muscle burn called lactate. Hitting the lactate threshold enables us to reach our fitness goals by pushing us to the max in order to go even farther at the next session.  

  1. SLOW GLYCOLOSIS2-5 minutes of continuous work in the form of planks, 1000 meter row, half mile run, jump rope, or plyometric work fueled by glucose in the form of stored glycogen. Aerobic so it does not produce lactate. 


  • Any activity lasting longer than 5 minutes from a five-minute swim to a 26.2 mile marathon. Fueled by glycogen, glucose from fatty acids and amino acids, the oxidative system also controls recovery.  Most of our daily activities and the steady state cardiovascular work everyone loves like running, biking, swimming, and walking all occur in the oxidative system. While it’s important, it’s also the comfort zone. It’s easier to run at the same pace for thirty minutes than it is to string together a twelve-minute circuit combining the phosphagen, fast and slow glycolosis systems. We don’t want EASY we want maximum EPOC! 

Which energy system is Beqir using in this video? 

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