Workout Wednesday: 5 Ways to Reduce Post-Workout Soreness

Nobody likes to be sore after a workout. Although soreness cannot be completely eliminated, it can be controlled. Proper post-workout recovery protocols will also allow your body to recover more quickly and respond better to your workouts. Muscles grow and become stronger when they are subjected to forces that cause tiny tears in the muscle fibers. […]

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Workout Wednesday: What is Functional Fitness? Functional fitness conditions the body to perform natural daily life actions–lifting, pushing, pulling–even the way we stand up and sit down more efficiently with minimal risk of injury. Most gyms feature nautilus machines which isolate muscles—quadriceps, hamstrings, biceps, triceps, etc. in an artificial way bearing little resemblance to real life movement. Double Eagle Fitness trains […]

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Workout Wednesday: Help! I’m injured And I Can’t Workout!

How many times do we hear this? “Help! I’m injured so I can’t workout.” Despite the injury, we can usually figure out ways to train around the injury. First things first: A doctor must diagnose and cure the injury–not the personal trainer. Along with doctors, chiropractor are often part of a health professional team for […]

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Workout Wednesday: Soreness Equals Strength

No one likes post-workout sore muscles. When you exercise, microscopic tears occur in the muscle. As the muscle begins to rebuild itself (getting tighter, bigger, leaner, and longer) you may feel soreness for anywhere from 24-48 hours after the activity. Muscles need time and proper nutrients to rebuild and recover. Muscles grow at rest. Knowing […]

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Workout Wednesday: Energy Systems

[wpvideo UjIuXY0s]Did you know you can exercise in four different energy systems? The best trainers emphasize each of the four energy systems–even though all four work together–to increase power, endurance, and rate of recovery. The quicker you recover, the more fit you are. What are they called? PHOSPHAGEN:  The most powerful energy system characterized by […]

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Workout Wednesday: Why is Core Strength Crucial?

Why is the core so crucial? Improves posture & balance; Helps eliminate lower back pain;  Helps avoid a host of common injuries–especially back injuries and general aches usually associated with age; Improves physical performance (power & stabilization); SURPRISE! Prevents muscle soreness and stiffness; With consistent core work, the rest of our bodies can function more efficiently. […]

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Workout Wednesday: EPOC is The Secret to Exercising For Fat Loss

Your trainer just had you perform 15 push-ups, 15 air squats and now she tells you to do thirty seconds of mountain climbers, burpees, or jumping pull-ups. The method behind her madness is simple: when you exercise your heart rate is elevated. When you exercise at high intensity or extended periods your heart rate remains elevated as […]

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