Fresh Friday: Not Losing Weight? Check Your Fiber Intake

Why Should I Care? Although fiber is not a macronutrient, it is absolutely vital for weight loss, controlling diabetes, averting heart disease, treating constipation, lowering cholesterol, preventing diverticulitis, gallstones, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, polyps, and colon cancer. How Much Fiber do I Need? Men need 38 grams of fiber per day and women need 25 grams of fiber […]

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Fresh Friday: Simple Protein Shakes & Smoothies

[wpvideo QdHb9cPp] It’s beautiful and 70 degrees here in Novato and we love to drink shakes and smoothies. Here are our favorite recipes. These are all delicious and dairy-free (Paleo). If you drink milk, just use regular organic milk instead of coconut milk. The Protein Base: When made well, the best part about drinking protein […]

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Workout Wednesday: How to Know if Your Trainer is Competent

You just hired a personal trainer. How do you know if they have a clue what they’re doing? Unless you are very knowledgeable in a particular field, it’s hard to recognize the phonies from the real deal. If you answer YES to the questions in the checklist below it will give you an idea of how […]

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Fresh Friday: Take A Grocery Store Tour

Part Three of this week’s series dedicated to controlling your environment ends today with replenishment. Once you’ve taken all the Frank-N’Foods out of your kitchen, it’s time to replenish it with foods that will set you up for success. Think of your body as a luxury vehicle. Would you fill it with the cheapest fuel? […]

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Fresh Friday: Easy Kitchen Compost

Recently I watched a documentary called Dive inspired by a curiosity about our country’s careless habit of sending millions of pounds of food into landfills. In the film, the director and his friends dumpster dive salvaging thousands of dollars of good, edible, fresh food from grocery stores like Trader Joes. Right after seeing the film, we had […]

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Fresh Friday: Calling All Volume Eaters

So I’m what is known as a volume eater. This means satiety comes from large quantities of food. How is this achieved on a 1400-1500 calorie budget? Knowing which foods are low in calories and high in protein, fiber, and water so that I can eat a huge bowl  instead of a 1/2 cup serving of something calorically […]

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Fresh Friday: Quick Ideas For Kale, Coconut, & Curry

Easy Healthy Breakfast: This is what I’ve been eating this week for a post-workout breakfast. Two eggs over medium atop two giant leaves of kale. To eat: fold the kale gently around the eggs like a wrap-careful not to puncture the yolk. Add sliced tomato, red onion, avocado, nitrate-free deli meat, bacon, or anything at […]

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Motivational Monday: Trainer Confession

My name is Samantha and I have a confession to make. I’m a personal trainer and I struggle with weight loss, exercise, nutrition, and motivation just like you. Trainers are human beings who face the same obstacles with health issues. Weight Loss: I lost thirty pounds while getting certified. If I could do it, then […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Healthy On-The-Go

This week our clients are asking: What strategies do I employ when on the road and on the go? How do I stay on track this month staying with family over the holidays? What about when traveling for work and stuck in hotels with only room service and fast food restaurants. What about on vacation? You […]

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