Jul 07, 2014 2eagles 0 comments
NEW!! Outdoor Group Classes

WHO: You! We only need a minimum of 3 (maximum of 20) to hold group classes.  *Separate class available for ages 60+ WHAT: Double Eagle Fitness Group Classes exclusively for the residents of 4600 Connecticut Ave NW WHERE: In the outdoor grassy area next to the building on Brandywine St NW or the track at Woodrow Wilson […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Indian Summer Slaw

For months, I have been searching for the perfect cole slaw recipe. One without mayonnaise and sugar. I found one, tested it, and tweaked it to my liking and hopefully yours too. This week we made two batches–one with red cabbage and another with green cabbage. They are both incredibly delicious, healthy–75 calories per cup–and chock full of fiber, […]

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Workout Wednesday: Healthy Parents Healthy Kids

We’ve all heard the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. When it comes to health and fitness and nutrition, this phrase is indubitable. So if you want your kids to run and jump and love their veggies, check yourself! Nutrition is the foundation of any healthy child. Kids want choices so provide them with […]

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Mar 28, 2012 admin 0 comments
Workout Wednesday: Parlez-Vous Parkour?

What is Parkour and why is it the fastest growing fitness trend? Founded by French athlete, David Belle, and sensationalized by stunt men in films such as Casino Royale, Parkour is the wave of fitness future.

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Mar 07, 2012 admin 0 comments
Workout Wednesday: 10 Reasons to Lift Weights For Life–Especially Women

We hear this fear all of the time so I will quickly assure you–especially you women–that you must adhere to a very particular repetition and load scheme to achieve hypertrophy (big manly muscles). See photo below left. In order to tone and tighten, you must lift weights! Here are the top ten benefits to weight-lifting.

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Mar 05, 2012 admin 0 comments
Motivational Monday: March Measurement Madness

We love the beginning of the month because that’s when we measure our clients. What better way to renew motivation for the month than to learn that you lost two inches from your shoulders, chest, hips, and thighs?

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Motivational Monday: Five Ways Exercise Relieves Stress

Feeling stressed? Overworked? Can’t stop shoveling M&M’s into your mouth? Get up. Get dressed. Get out the door! Endorphins-  Ever heard of the runner’s high? Exercise–from weight lifting to spinning–triggers the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Mood Makeover: Did you know that regular exercise boosts self-confidence? Did you know that regular exercise lowers symptoms […]

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Oct 28, 2011 2eagles 0 comments
Fresh Friday: Trick or Treat

Halloween is my all time favorite holiday. For those of you in the process of losing weight and maintaining weight, guess what? HALLOWEEN IS NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF!!! For those of you following our program then you have saved up for this special sugar-infused day, haven’t you? After immaculate eating from October 1-30, now […]

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Workout Wednesday: Four Client Personal Records Today!

Meet Mary Lou: Training with us for three months, Mary Lou is one of three current clients who has lost thirty pounds . Just look at her gorgeous face transformed! Congratulations Loulita! Keep up the great work. You inspire us every day! Meet Becky: Enrolled in boot camp for six weeks, Becky ran the first mile […]

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