Mary Lou’s Before Photo

Mary Lou’s After Photo

Meet Mary Lou: Training with us for three months, Mary Lou is one of three current clients who has lost thirty pounds . Just look at her gorgeous face transformed! Congratulations Loulita! Keep up the great work. You inspire us every day!

Meet Becky: Enrolled in boot camp for six weeks, Becky ran the first mile of her life this morning as her warm-up. She even surprised me because she ran on her own while I was finishing another session. We are so proud of you Becky and so inspired that Monday’s blog post gave you that extra motivational push. And you see this awesome one-of-a-kind military bag with the double eagle? Yeah, Becky gave that to me!

Beqir giving Matt a post-workout PNF stretch

Meet Matt: Training with us for six weeks with a goal of becoming a fireman in the near future. Pull-ups were a main goal of Matt’s and this morning at Pioneer Park he did not only one strict body weight pull-up but seven! Congratulations Matt and keep up the excellent work. You will be a robust asset to any fire department.

Meet Mai-Britt: Training with us for one month, Mai-Britt ran the first three consecutive miles of her life. Mai Britt hails from Denmark and she doesn’t know this yet but my running partner in graduate school was Danish so her success feels like my own. Tillykke Mai-Britt!!

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