Weight Loss Wednesday: Weight Loss Check List

Our clients are constantly frustrated with the speed of their weight loss. This week I urge all of you to make a weight loss check list and tape it to your fridge, your bathroom mirror, and on a bulletin board near your desk. This list will help keep your eyes on the prize, keep you […]

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Fresh Friday: The Water Experiment

For the past week, I decided to practice what I preach by drinking 90 ounces of water everyday and noting the effects. I’m happy to report that the experiment was a HUGE success and I want to share and reiterate the top five reasons to track your water and affirm to drink 80-90 ounces everyday. […]

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Fresh Friday: What Should I Eat Pre & Post Workout?

The food we eat is the source of our energy, not only during workouts, but all day long. If you eat processed garbage and Frank-N’-Foods, don’t expect to hit a string of personal records in your performance. Garbage in equals garbage out. Fueling your body before and after a workout is critical to high performance […]

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Workout Wednesday: Life is an Obstacle Course

Last Saturday we ran our first obstacle course mud run. What’s that? The Mud Factor calls it a hardcore 5K obstacle mud run. What do I call it? A metaphor for life. Obstacle courses are used by the armed forces to familiarize recruits with the kind of tactical movements necessary for combat. Obstacle courses are […]

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Motivational Monday: If a Septuagenarian Can Lose 23 Pounds in 4 Months What Can YOU Lose?

Connie Hooper is 72 years old and after training with Double Eagle Fitness for four months, she lost 23 pounds and 22.25 inches. We asked her to pen a guest blog sharing her experience so far… I’ve been asked to share my thoughts about this personal training experience and its mental and physical effects on […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: What? My iPad is Making me Fat?

  This week HBO is airing a four part wake-up call to the nation about the crippling costs of overweight and obesity in America. In 2012, 69% of American adults are overweight or obese (do YOU know the difference) and 1 in 3 American children are overweight. In addition to the obvious causes–not exercising enough, […]

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Fresh Friday: Cauliflower Rice

We get so many questions about cauliflower rice–how to make it, why it’s so quick, healthy and delicious. So I will re-post the recipe with bigger photos. Enjoy! 1) If making a one-pot-meal using ground beef, turkey or lamb, brown it first in onion, garlic, and olive oil. The cauliflower rice is like a blank […]

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Workout Wednesday: E is For Effort

“I tell patients that designing your own exercise program is like deciding to represent yourself in court. Being an attorney requires specialized knowledge that is acquired over many years of intensive study and practice. Designing your optimum exercise program also requires extensive training in a variety of areas, and includes an assessment to create an […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: POOP! There it is!

Let’s face it: poop is gross. But regular healthy poop is a critical indication of your health. Before you run away screaming chew on this: A 125 pound female who doesn’t poop regularly can store up to 10 pounds of clogged fecal matter in her system. An obese person can store as much as 30 pounds of […]

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