Motivational Monday: Use NLP to Squelch Negative Self-Talk

If you are what you eat, then you are also what you think. In my former career with the US Department of Defense, I studied Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), the science of the effect of language–verbal and non-verbal–on the brain and nervous system. NLP is used for a variety of problems, namely phobias, depression, breaking bad habits, psychosomatic illness, […]

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Fresh Friday: Roasted Heirloom Tomato Soup

While most people enjoy heirloom tomatoes as the stars of summer salads, I indulged a sudden craving for heirloom tomato soup. Catching a slight summer cold certainly had something to do with this odd summer hankering. This recipe is incredibly simple with a sublime aroma of garlic, tomato, and rosemary that will permeate the kitchen. […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: High Tech Weight Loss

I was overweight my whole life. When I became a trainer I resolved to lose weight because if I couldn’t do it, then I’d never be able to get my clients to do it. With the right scientific metabolic information I did lose weight but I didn’t go all the way to my goal. Like […]

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Motivational Monday: What if

“Take care of your body.  It’s the only place you have to live.”  ~Jim Rohn “To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”.  ~Buddha “Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.”  ~William Shakespeare In our kids […]

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Fresh Friday: Zucchini Lasagna

Who doesn’t love lasagna? It’s high time traditional lasagna got a makeover. Traditional lasagna with pasta, ricotta, and ground beef packs about 750 calories per square with high-glycemic carbohydrates (lasagna noodles) and not very many veggies. Here’s how to load it up with garden fresh zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms while omitting the noodles entirely. Step One: Preheat the […]

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Workout Wednesday: Healthy Parents Healthy Kids

We’ve all heard the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. When it comes to health and fitness and nutrition, this phrase is indubitable. So if you want your kids to run and jump and love their veggies, check yourself! Nutrition is the foundation of any healthy child. Kids want choices so provide them with […]

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Workout Wednesday: Summer is here!

June 22 marks the first day of summer. I don’t know about you  but I’m getting really excited about the 2012 Olympics in London. If you feel like you would rather veg out on the beach and lick ice cream cones, why not turn to your favorite summer Olympic sport and start copy-catting. Workouts can stagnate pretty […]

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Motivational Monday: Music And Exercise

During one-on-one sessions with personal trainers, music is absent. As both trainer and client, I don’t miss music at all. Why? The trainer is pushing me, counting for me, and motivating me with powerful words, that all I can think is: “When will this torture end?” Or, “This is incredibly difficult but I am doing it although I […]

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Fresh Friday: Exotic Nutrition

Get Out of Your Everyday Grocery Store! When we lived in DC, we often shopped at Asian markets to find veggies, fish, and fruit that most Americans don’t usually eat. We were thrilled to find a glorious Pan-Asian market not far from Novato in Richmond. If you love exotic fruits like lychee, young coconut, mango, […]

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