Motivational Monday: She Lost 50.25 Inches!!

We measure our clients monthly to track inches and pounds lost but sometimes life gets in the way… Mai-Britt Boggeri got measured on her first session with Double Eagle Fitness and then kept getting side-tracked and waylaid by her hectic life. We finally nailed her down for measurements last week and were open-mouthed shell-shocked to […]

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Weight Loss Wednesday: Has Your Kitchen Been Raided?

    Your kitchen can make or break your weight loss results. A kitchen stocked with the makings for healthy meals and snacks will keep you on track, even when late-night cravings strike. On the flip side, a kitchen filled with unhealthy munchies will derail your weight loss efforts every single time. When Double Eagle Fitness […]

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Motivational Monday: 7 Ways to Control Your Environment For Success

This week’s posts all share the same theme: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Today we draw upon concepts taught in our Weight Loss Jump-Start lecture to help you transform your metabolism into a fat-burning, muscle-building machine. Enablers: Who are the Enablers in your life? The guy who brings a dozen donuts […]

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Fresh Friday: Easy Kitchen Compost

Recently I watched a documentary called Dive inspired by a curiosity about our country’s careless habit of sending millions of pounds of food into landfills. In the film, the director and his friends dumpster dive salvaging thousands of dollars of good, edible, fresh food from grocery stores like Trader Joes. Right after seeing the film, we had […]

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