Connie Hooper is 72 years old and after training with Double Eagle Fitness for four months, she lost 23 pounds and 22.25 inches. We asked her to pen a guest blog sharing her experience so far…
I’ve been asked to share my thoughts about this personal training experience and its mental and physical effects on me as a septuagenarian. I am the oldest Double Eagle Fitness client!
Like most of us, every New Year, I’d vow to begin exercising to lose weight. This vow went on for 30 years without action. This fall my granddaughter is getting married so I decided it was finally time to begin my health quest.
Afraid to embark solo, I invited my two daughters to join me. What ensued, I could never have dreamed possible. We train three nights a week. In four months the three of us have lost close to sixty pounds! We gained mobility, strength, and close friendships with our trainers. Their enthusiasm and encouragement propel us when we feel like we have zero energy. They always push us to our limits and surprise us with movements we never thought we could or would attempt alone.
Connie training with her two daughters.
At 72, I cannot exercise at the same level as my daughters who are 30 and 35 years my junior. I’m moved by Samantha and Beqir’s knowledge and education to redirect and scale the exercise to something I can do safely.
I know I’ll reach my goal weight. I’ve already restored the agility I thought was long-lost due to 30 years of sedentary lifestyle. I know that to maintain my weight loss, energy, and balance, I must exercise for the rest of my life.
You don't need the gym!
I’ve always been close to my children but never close in this way–exercising together and learning about fitness and nutrition as a family. That’s the most important benefit! What a wonderful gift Double Eagle Fitness has given us. –Connie Hooper