Still comforting ourselves with warm winter meals, here are some of the favorites we’ve been relishing lately. All of these recipes are quick, inexpensive, nutritious, and delicious. Enjoy.

A LOT of food packed into 300 calories!!

Zucchini and mushroom and omelet breakfast: I always turn to my food processor when rushed. Shredding vegetables in a food processor takes about 30 seconds and makes the vegetables cook faster. Shred 1 zucchini per person. Stir fry zucchini and sliced mushrooms in a skillet with a dab of coconut oil, salt, pepper, and any herbs you like. While the vegetables are cooking, crack and whisk eggs (2 per person). Pour eggs into a smaller skillet and make a quick omelet. Throw green onion, garlic, tomato, or anything into the eggs.

This plate packs 5 slices of beef bacon and 478 delicious post-workout calories!

Bacon, Kale & Red Potato Lunch: This amazing dish takes about 15 minutes to prepare and packs about 478 calories. Preheat the oven to 375. Boil 2 small to medium organic red potatoes per person. Chop a whole bunch of kale and toss into a skillet with 2 pieces of bacon. We use nitrate-free beef bacon from Whole Foods. Layer the rest of the bacon on a foil-covered cookie sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes. The kale soaks in the bacon flavor and the fat replaces the need for additional oil.

Food Processor to the Rescue Dinner: Shred whatever you have on hand–zucchini, carrot, sweet potato, butternut squash, parsnips, red cabbage, golden beets, broccoli stalks, turnips, cauliflower, bell peppers. I usually use a variety of five vegetables–the more color, the more vitamins and antioxidants. Fling all the vegetables into a large skillet with a pound of beef, lamb, pork, or turkey (we use organic, grass-fed beef from Tara Firma Farms in Petaluma) with onion and garlic.

Happy Tara Firma pigs napping and sunbathing

The meat will provide enough fat and liquid so you don’t need extra oil. Add your favorite fresh herbs, or sun-dried tomatoes, tomato sauce, or a splash of merlot or pinot noir for a lovely rich flavor. Once the meat is fully browned, plate and serve. 15 minutes of work for a hearty and satisfying dinner at 450 calories (4-5 oz of meat) depending on your choice of vegetables and seasonings.

Looks just like this but with Brussels sprouts and more vegetables!

Easy Beef Stew: Brown a pound of stew meat (chuck eye works well) while you chop onion, garlic, halved Brussels sprouts, golden beets, red potatoes, carrots, turnips, and mushrooms. Five vegetables–any kind you like. When using beets, never throw away the green beet tops. Just tear them up and hurl them into the stew. Add a very healthy splash of red wine to braise the meat while chopping the vegetables.


Add all of the vegetables, fresh rosemary, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, and bring to a boil then simmer until meat cooks through and the vegetables are tender. 500 calories in a mouth-watering fragrant broth that will warm you to the soul.

We hope you will delight in these winter recipes as much as we do. This is the last 2011 blog post! Please comment with 2012 blog requests. Double Eagle Fitness wishes you and yours a very healthy and happy ringing in of 2012!

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