This is the just picked kohlrabi that was given to me this morning after a client workout. It looks alien don’t you think?

The 3000 calorie day of giving thanks is over until next year and it’s time to get back to squeaky clean eating–until Christmas and all those holiday parties in December! My rule of thumb? Keep your own kitchen ACAP–as clean as possible and forgive yourself for the party indulgences. Enjoy the holidays!

Beqir’s Albanian Tomato Eggplant Sauce:

This sauce couldn’t be simpler! Cut an eggplant in bite-sized chunks and place in a saucepan. If you still have tomatoes in the garden, shred three or four and add to the eggplant. Today I used a can of tomato sauce. Bring to a boil and then simmer until you can mash the eggplant into the tomato sauce with a fork. Add as much garlic as you can tolerate–Beqir says five cloves. Today I added fresh parsley because I had some in the fridge. Add any spices you wish. THIS DOESN’T EVEN NEED OLIVE OIL BUT IT POPS WITH FLAVOR WITH A SPLASH OF OLIVE OIL BEFORE SERVING.  Enjoy with spaghetti squash, pasta, as a topping for chicken, fish, or steak.

Roasted Beet, Fennel, and Mint Salad:

What do you do with leftover roasted beets? Shred them and they become the bejeweled star of a salad. I shredded one roasted beet and one fennel bulb. I tossed them with fresh mint and a simple vinaigrette of olive oil, orange or lemon juice, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper. It’s that easy! It would also be great with shredded radish, carrot, or cucumber.

Cauliflower Rice Variations:

This is the kohlrabi version of cauliflower rice!

You all know by know that we make cauliflower rice at least twice a week. I’m talking giant batches of it that we eat throughout the week for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It’s so good beneath 2 fried eggs for breakfast! The basic cauliflower rice is a blank canvas–shredded cauliflower, shredded onion, salt, and pepper. Shred the cauliflower and the onion and stir-fry in a tablespoon of olive or coconut oil or butter. See other versions here:

Since we eat so much of it, I always stretch it by adding any shred-able vegetables I have around.

This is the version with Brussels sprouts.

Last week I had 15 extra Brussels sprouts so I shredded them and it turned out to be Beqir’s favorite version so far. I’ve shredded butternut squash, zucchini, carrots, parsnips, turnips, sweet potato–if you can shred it, use it in cauliflower rice! Today I used kohlrabi, fresh parsley, carrot, and tumeric.

The leafy calcium-rice greens from the kohlrabi! Don’t discard them. Sautee and enjoy!

Enjoy these recipes and experiment with as many vegetables as you can.  Don’t know what to do with certain vegetables? Post your question in the comments. I would love to hear from you!

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