I don’t know if it’s the rain, the cold, or the depressing state of the economy but last week was a tough one to get through–at least during my own workouts. Sometimes we need something tangible, something colorful, something new to revive our passions for our fitness, nutrition, and overall health goals.
When I’m feeling stagnant in workouts, self-esteem, or find that I’m doing laundry every two days, it’s time for new workout clothes. Go shopping and shock yourself when you realize that you are buying smaller sizes! Buy clothes in colors that inspire you. Buy clothes that wick away sweat instead of absorbing it as cotton does. Think of your activities and select clothes accordingly. If you dead lift, don’t wear shorts and scrape up your legs. If you train outdoors, dress in light layers.
Do your toes jam up against the top of your shoes during burpees? Do you experience shin splints after running? Many of the most common feet issues are rectified with proper shoes. After years of wearing traditional running shoes, I got tired of black toe nails and swollen second toes so I switched to the lighter cross training style shoes that are more appropriate for cross-training. Warning: once you start wearing close-fitting shoes like these, you won’t go back to your old running shoes!
Maybe you don’t need any clothes but a new water bottle, new sweat bands, or a new yoga mat can do wonders for your motivation. Do you have any LaCrosse balls or foam rollers to self-massage muscles post-workout? Why not foam roll for a half hour while watching TV?  HAte calloused palms from all those pull-ups? Try a pair of football linebacker player gloves.
We usually tout doing a lot with very little. But sometimes we all need something shiny and new to put a smile back on our face and a much-needed punch to your workout.